Zee TV's popular show Kumkum Bhagya first aired in April, 2014 and soon became one of the top TRP grabbers of Indian television. The viewers were initially drawn to the amazing chemistry of the leads, Pragya (Sriti Jha) and Abhi (Shabir Ahluwalia), eager to see how these two get together and fall in love with each other. Now, more than four years later, Abhi is married to Tanu, and Pragya is... well Pragya never divorced Abhi but she is not living with him anymore. So, what happened?
Well, nothing much.
Kumkum Bhagya's plot till now can be summed up as:
Pragya: Someone is trying to harm my husband. I have to protect him.
Abhi: Let's romance/ I am not talking to you.
Tanu: Abhi is mine, I will send Pragya away from him anyhow.
Aliya: This Pragya has snatched my brother from me. I will throw her out of the house.
Entire Mehra family: What is happening, cry, cry.
Pragya: I think Aliya and Tanu are involved, but I need proof.
Mehra family: We agree, but proof for Abhi? Cry, cry.
Abhi: Romance/Angry. Also, am a rockstar.
Aliya/Tanu: Let's kill/kidnap Pragya.
Pragya: My kumkum is strong... but I need proof.
Abhi: Let's throw a party, because I have so much money.
Tanu: I will kill Pragya and get Abhi.
Aliya: I will kill Pragya and get property from Abhi.
Pragya: proof, proof!
Function happens. Pragya gets kidnapped. Weeks of trying to save Pragya. Someone gets admitted to hospital. Everyone goes back and repeat from step one.
Of course, new villains come and go, helped by Tanu/Aliya. In fact, Tanu/Aliya are the only members in the family to become aware of new dangers or plot-lines and take advantage of it while the rest stew in their oblivious selves. But the main plot never changes. Abhi and Pragya can never be together. Other characters are either forgotten or killed. Or they standby in mute mode. Pragya's mom is there somewhere... but she now has new daughters in Kundali Bhagya. And you see, Kumkum Bhagya took a seven years leap and Kundali Bhagya didn't. Which essentially means Pragya's mom is still stuck in the past and Pragya and the Mehras have entered the future!
The only new factor is Pragya and Abhi's daughter, Kiara. Another "rockstar", King, has also made entry but nobody has much hope for his character in this Bermuda triangle of Aliya/Tanu/Abhi-Pragya. Mind you, Abhi doesn't know about it yet and we can never be sure how many "proofs" will be needed before Abhi finally realizes the truth of his daughter. Of course, Tanu has already started making the connection and harm Kiara.
Books can be written on the problems in this show's non-existent plot. Abhi, a grown man, has no awareness of what is happening in his own house. Aliya and Tanu, despite committing various crimes, are never arrested. In fact, Tanu was not even related to the Mehras. Still she stayed in Mehra house. The entire Mehra family knows everything but never speaks up. Most awkward moments are chosen to showcase Ahbi and Pragya's romance. Like when a snake enters their bedroom and they are trying to capture it. Or the numerous times Pragya gets kidnapped. Pragya takes abuses again and again in the name of saving her husband and his family... and after four years of this, Abhi marries Tanu!
The only thing that still draws users attention is the chemistry between the leads. And a sliver of hope that one day they might have an happy ending. But how thin can that hope be stretched?
Well, nothing much.
Kumkum Bhagya's plot till now can be summed up as:
Pragya: Someone is trying to harm my husband. I have to protect him.
Abhi: Let's romance/ I am not talking to you.
Tanu: Abhi is mine, I will send Pragya away from him anyhow.
Aliya: This Pragya has snatched my brother from me. I will throw her out of the house.
Entire Mehra family: What is happening, cry, cry.
Pragya: I think Aliya and Tanu are involved, but I need proof.
Mehra family: We agree, but proof for Abhi? Cry, cry.
Abhi: Romance/Angry. Also, am a rockstar.
Aliya/Tanu: Let's kill/kidnap Pragya.
Pragya: My kumkum is strong... but I need proof.
Abhi: Let's throw a party, because I have so much money.
Tanu: I will kill Pragya and get Abhi.
Aliya: I will kill Pragya and get property from Abhi.
Pragya: proof, proof!
Function happens. Pragya gets kidnapped. Weeks of trying to save Pragya. Someone gets admitted to hospital. Everyone goes back and repeat from step one.
Of course, new villains come and go, helped by Tanu/Aliya. In fact, Tanu/Aliya are the only members in the family to become aware of new dangers or plot-lines and take advantage of it while the rest stew in their oblivious selves. But the main plot never changes. Abhi and Pragya can never be together. Other characters are either forgotten or killed. Or they standby in mute mode. Pragya's mom is there somewhere... but she now has new daughters in Kundali Bhagya. And you see, Kumkum Bhagya took a seven years leap and Kundali Bhagya didn't. Which essentially means Pragya's mom is still stuck in the past and Pragya and the Mehras have entered the future!
The only new factor is Pragya and Abhi's daughter, Kiara. Another "rockstar", King, has also made entry but nobody has much hope for his character in this Bermuda triangle of Aliya/Tanu/Abhi-Pragya. Mind you, Abhi doesn't know about it yet and we can never be sure how many "proofs" will be needed before Abhi finally realizes the truth of his daughter. Of course, Tanu has already started making the connection and harm Kiara.
Books can be written on the problems in this show's non-existent plot. Abhi, a grown man, has no awareness of what is happening in his own house. Aliya and Tanu, despite committing various crimes, are never arrested. In fact, Tanu was not even related to the Mehras. Still she stayed in Mehra house. The entire Mehra family knows everything but never speaks up. Most awkward moments are chosen to showcase Ahbi and Pragya's romance. Like when a snake enters their bedroom and they are trying to capture it. Or the numerous times Pragya gets kidnapped. Pragya takes abuses again and again in the name of saving her husband and his family... and after four years of this, Abhi marries Tanu!
The only thing that still draws users attention is the chemistry between the leads. And a sliver of hope that one day they might have an happy ending. But how thin can that hope be stretched?
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